Social Media

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If used well, social media can be hugely beneficial for academics. The challenge is in using it well. Some of the tools discussed in Time Management may be beneficial here. Social media can help with many aspects of academia, including: keeping up to date with new papers; discussing papers with authors; getting feedback on your own work; ‘networking’; initiating research collaborations; and asking for advice on specific or general difficulties you encounter during the research process.

In this video presentation, I share all of the tips I’ve learned through the years of running personal, journal, and society social media accounts:

Twitter for Scientists

Twitter for Scientists e-Book

On the subject of Twitter, I’d recommend following the following generic and discipline-specific accounts to get started:

Generic Science Twitter Accounts

A few more suggestions:

Using the hashtags #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdchat or #ECRChat can help to engage with the academic community, as can various discipline and methodology specific hashtags.

Biomechanics Twitter Accounts

You can also search for particular scientists or journals. After following a few people within your discipline, you will start to come across others within that area.